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Life course
Emmanuelle has a background as an actress and has written a lot of theater for amateur (the National Library of France, the Bank of France, …) and professional groups (Lackaal Dukric, Salomé Stc, …). After dozens of professional experiences, she passed a degree in theater studies. Writing has accompanied her constantly and in 2014 her first novel Le Tango de la valseuse was published by Place des éditeurs/Chemin vert. It is quite naturally that the profession of ceremony officiant presented itself to her: listening to the bride and groom, complicity and restraint, understanding their itineraries and … creativity!

Luc has a long experience in international business, but before that he worked for publishing houses as a writer, was a tourist guide and an Inlingua trainer. His ease in front of an audience and his mastery of several languages led him to this exciting profession.


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Writing of texts
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Emmanuelle a un parcours de comédienne et ensuite beaucoup écrit de théâtre pour des troupes amateurs et professionnelles. Ecoute des mariés, complicité, retenue, compréhension et … créativité !

Luc a une longue expérience commerciale internationale, de rédacteur pour maisons d'édition, guide touristique et formateur d’Inlingua. Aisance devant un public et la maîtrise de plusieurs langues.

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